Our society “The Society of Sea Water Science, Japan” was established in 1965 with the change of its name from “The Society of Salt, Japan”. “The Society of Salt, Japan” was established in 1950 and therefore, our society has a more than 60-year-old history. The primary aim of the name change was to expand our target research areas. Today, researchers from various research areas related to sea water science work together and share information with each other.
Our society has been dealing with resource utilization science, environmental science, and life science from a perspective of sea water science. Among these fields, our society has put a special emphasis on resource utilization science and has contributed to the advancement of the field. For instance, researchers of our society have provided cutting-edge knowledge about electrodialysis method using ion-exchange membranes and have contributed greatly to the innovative changes in salt manufacturing processes in Japan. For another instance, studies about various technologies for sea water desalination such as reverse osmosis membrane or flush distillation have provided useful information for establishment of these industrial technologies.
Nowadays, people reaffirm the significance of sea water and start to study sea water from various and new viewpoints. Therefore, we keenly realize there is a need to further expand our activities. Specifically, in addition to the above-mentioned three areas, we are putting effort into other areas including food and cooking sciences. We hope more people than ever before join our society and serve as important driving forces in our new activities. We also believe expanding our target research areas makes a new international journal we are planning to launch soon (click here for more information) more content-rich and authoritative. We are looking forward to welcoming you as a member of our society.